Monthly Archives: March 2019

Undermind Episode 16!

My guests this week were Antiga, Micro, and Hannes Bredberg. We discussed BWAPI 4.4, AITT, coding and algorithms, multiple languages. Also gone on a tangent for different games/AIs, and generally goofed around a lot. Also, news about BWAPI 5.

Warning: …

Creating a Starcraft AI – Part 21: Spiky stars and bad heuristics

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In the last part, I managed to work out some bugs in my in-area jump point pathfinding. Again, let’s climb up a level of my rabbit hole. The end …

Undermind Episode 15!

My guests this week were Bytekeeper, Impie, and Marian Devecka. We discussed terrain analyzers, BWAPI 4.4, BASIL stats/Improvements, and the state of official support. Happy listening!

Youtube link:

Creating a Starcraft AI – Part 20: Philosophy and mining equipment

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In the last part I tried to solve a subproblem of a subproblem. BWEM is really not solving the exact problem I’m having (Not talking about midlife crisis, although …

Creating a Starcraft AI – Part 19: Pathfinding resulting in a rabbit hole (where cats are)

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First, a sub-problem from the last part. Given a start point, and a collection of endpoints, I’ll return the first endpoint that the flood fill reaches. This is …