Category Archives: Podcast

Undermind Episode 22!

My guests this week were Hao Pan, Nathan Roth (Antiga), Ankmairdor, and Bryan Weber. We have talked about recent bot developments, some complex algorithms, Brood War code investigation – and exploits previously unknown.

Linkes mentioned:

Twitch channel for Jealous

Undermind Episode 21!

My guests this week were Johan, the author BananaBrain, and Jean Chassoul (nicknamed sloth). We talked about Python environment, AITT, and a variety of different topics. Happy listening!

Undermind Episode 20!

My guests this week were Martin Rooijackers (LetaBot), and Bytekeeper. We talked about OpenAI’s Dota victory, MicroRTS, useless units, state of the bot ladder, and just general banter.

Happy listening!

You can find my awesome shop here.

Undermind Episode 19!

My guests this week were Marian Devecka, and Micro. We talked about Zerg things kekeke. Also, some news about the Human vs. Bot league, some technical things, what we would like to see in it. If you can invent …

Undermind Episode 18!

My guests this week were Antiga, and Dave Churchill. We talked about the woes of academia, evil companies, and the Artifical Violence Really Insane League (AVRIL). (Maybe the latter was a mistake)

Happy listening! The article Dave mentioned.
! If …

Undermind Episode 16!

My guests this week were Antiga, Micro, and Hannes Bredberg. We discussed BWAPI 4.4, AITT, coding and algorithms, multiple languages. Also gone on a tangent for different games/AIs, and generally goofed around a lot. Also, news about BWAPI 5.

Warning: …

Undermind Episode 15!

My guests this week were Bytekeeper, Impie, and Marian Devecka. We discussed terrain analyzers, BWAPI 4.4, BASIL stats/Improvements, and the state of official support. Happy listening!

Youtube link: