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As you might have guessed, the JPS code in the previous post wasn’t entirely correct. What a shocking revelation! I mean, it found some paths some times, much slower than expected. Remember, this is supposed to be a vast improvement over A*.
With the current implementation, it isn’t.

I stared at the code for some hours, then I realized that wasn’t the best method to track down problems.

Initially, I just used the debugger, but since the algorithm tended to visit half of the map before finding something (Some 100k objects), that was not time efficient. Onwards to a different approach then. First of all, let’s test our assumptions. For this purpose, a great tool was invented, it’s called unit testing. Banging out code and trying if it works properly is fine for a while, but I have clearly passed that point. Let’s borrow the approach from my professional life (I’m a developer by day, and developerer by night). I added JUnit to libs (I used the 4.13 version from here – you need the hamcrest-all-X.X.jar as dependency, get it here)
My first intuition was that the heuristic might be wrong.
public void calcJPSTest() {
WalkPosition origin = new WalkPosition(10, 10);
WalkPosition destination = new WalkPosition(20, 20);
WalkPosition wp1 = new WalkPosition(10,11);
WalkPosition wp2 = new WalkPosition(21,21);
int wp1Imp = Cartography.calcJPSImportance(origin, destination, wp1);
int wp2Imp = Cartography.calcJPSImportance(origin, destination, wp2);
Assert.assertTrue(wp2Imp < wp1Imp);
It was.

Yeah, I added equal weight to the distance from the origin, and the destination points. This was not great, but unfortunately, not the root cause of everything. I modified it to only consider the distance from the destination – this is not perfect either, but closer to what I really want.
public static int calcJPSImportance(WalkPosition start, WalkPosition end, WalkPosition wp) {
int endImp = positionToPositionDistanceSq(end.getX(), end.getY(), wp.getX(), wp.getY());
return FastIntSqrt.fastSqrt(endImp);
After that, I re-read the JPS algorithm documentation multiple times. When a search stops in a direction, and makes new jump points, those are starting from the same square where the search ended – I was starting them from the neighbor in the target direction. I also modified the JPSInfo class to have a precursor (parent) object – this will be needed for path reconstruction.
//Code is still convoluted, as it should be
public static Set<JPSInfo> getJPSInfosInDirection(JPSInfo jpsInfo, WalkPosition wp, WalkPosition start, WalkPosition end, boolean ground, boolean useActiveThreatMap, boolean useThreatMemory, Direction... dirs) {
HashSet<JPSInfo> jpsInfos = new HashSet<>();
for (Direction d : dirs) {
if (!isUnderThreat(ground, jpsInfo.getWalkPosition(), useActiveThreatMap, useThreatMemory)) {
jpsInfos.add(new JPSInfo(d,
calcJPSImportance(start, end, jpsInfo.getWalkPosition()), jpsInfo));
return jpsInfos;
And yes, I’m still passing the end parameter to the calcJPSImportance(), even though I’m not using it. I consider that method work in progress, so let’s leave it for the moment.
With that, let’s dissect the case when evaluating straight paths. I rewrote it a few times, and well, there is nothing more to be said than name your variables consistently, and test sub-functions. Welp. Verbosity isn’t actually hurting anyone – we can afford the extra bytes for slightly longer variable names. It’s okay to have a thousand methods, then consolidate those later – or maybe not even then. For group projects, I like to follow Clean Code principles, and code as the maintenance programmer after me is a psychopath with a rusty hatchet who knows where I live. In my private projects, the only person I’m hurting with being sloppy is myself. And maybe I like that, you don’t know my life.

Another rather embarassing mistake I made was to have method parameters of the same type in different order for different methods. I won’t list those all, but in the end, I decided to standardize those.
With those life lessons in mind, here is the version which seems to work best so far.
public static Set<WalkPosition> findUnthreatenedPathJPS(WalkPosition start, WalkPosition end, boolean ground, boolean useActiveThreatMap, boolean useThreatMemory) {
boolean foundPath = false;
PriorityQueue<JPSInfo> straight = new PriorityQueue<>(new JPSInfoComparator());
PriorityQueue<JPSInfo> diag = new PriorityQueue<>(new JPSInfoComparator());
JPSInfo startJPSInfo = new JPSInfo(null, start, 0, null);
JPSInfo endJPSInfo = null;
straight.addAll(getJPSInfosInDirection(startJPSInfo, start, start, end, ground, useActiveThreatMap, useThreatMemory, Direction.E, Direction.W, Direction.S, Direction.N));
diag.addAll(getJPSInfosInDirection(startJPSInfo, start, start, end, ground, useActiveThreatMap, useThreatMemory, Direction.NE, Direction.NW, Direction.SE, Direction.SW));
while (!foundPath && (!straight.isEmpty() || !diag.isEmpty())) {
JPSInfo jumpPoint;
while (!straight.isEmpty()) {
jumpPoint = straight.poll();
Direction dir = jumpPoint.getDirection();
//Straight path processing
boolean straightPathProcessed = false;
WalkPosition current = jumpPoint.getWalkPosition();
WalkPosition ahead = getNeighborInDirection(current, jumpPoint.getDirection());
while (!straightPathProcessed) {
//Terminate search if the next tile in the direction is under threat/impassable
if (isUnderThreat(ground, ahead, useActiveThreatMap, useThreatMemory) || !isOnTheMap(ahead)) {
straightPathProcessed = true;
if (ahead.equals(end)) {
straightPathProcessed = true;
foundPath = true;
endJPSInfo = new JPSInfo(null, ahead, 0, jumpPoint);
//Check neighbors to the left and right
HashSet<Direction> checkDirs = straightCheckPos.get(jumpPoint.getDirection());
for (Direction checkDir : checkDirs) {
WalkPosition straightNeighbor = getNeighborInDirection(current, checkDir);
if (isUnderThreat(ground, straightNeighbor, useActiveThreatMap, useThreatMemory)) {
WalkPosition diagWP = getNeighborInDirection(current, getJPDirections(jumpPoint.getDirection(), checkDir).iterator().next());
if (!isUnderThreat(ground, diagWP, useActiveThreatMap, useThreatMemory)) {
JPSInfo jpsInfo = new JPSInfo(getJPDirections(jumpPoint.getDirection(), checkDir).iterator().next(), current, calcJPSImportance(diagWP, start, end), jumpPoint);
straightPathProcessed = true;
current = ahead;
ahead = getNeighborInDirection(ahead, jumpPoint.getDirection());
if (!diag.isEmpty()) {
jumpPoint = diag.poll();
if (jumpPoint.getWalkPosition().equals(end)) {
foundPath = true;
endJPSInfo = new JPSInfo(null, jumpPoint.getWalkPosition(), 0, jumpPoint);
} else {
WalkPosition diagAhead = getNeighborInDirection(jumpPoint.getWalkPosition(), jumpPoint.getDirection());
if (jumpPoint.getWalkPosition().equals(end)) {
foundPath = true;
endJPSInfo = new JPSInfo(null, diagAhead, 0, jumpPoint);
System.out.println("IZ END");
//If the next tile in the diagonal direction isn't blocked, let's add that too
if (!isUnderThreat(ground, diagAhead, useActiveThreatMap, useThreatMemory) && isOnTheMap(diagAhead)) {
JPSInfo jpsInfo = new JPSInfo(jumpPoint.getDirection(), diagAhead, calcJPSImportance(diagAhead, start, end), jumpPoint);
//Add the 2 straight jump points in any case
for (Direction dir : diagForwardPos.get(jumpPoint.getDirection())) {
Set<JPSInfo> jpsInfosInDirection = getJPSInfosInDirection(jumpPoint, diagAhead, start, end, ground, useActiveThreatMap, useThreatMemory, dir);
//Check the two remaining straight directions
for (Direction checkDir : diagCheckPos.get(jumpPoint.getDirection())) {
WalkPosition wp = getNeighborInDirection(diagAhead, checkDir);
if (isUnderThreat(ground, wp, useActiveThreatMap, useThreatMemory)) {
Set<JPSInfo> jpsInfosInDirection = getJPSInfosInDirection(jumpPoint, wp, start, end, ground, useActiveThreatMap, useThreatMemory, getJPDirections(jumpPoint.getDirection(), checkDir));
//Path reconstruction
Set<WalkPosition> patherino = new HashSet<>();
JPSInfo precc;
if (endJPSInfo != null) {
precc = endJPSInfo.getPrecursor();
while (precc != null) {
precc = precc.getPrecursor();
return patherino;
The question pops up: If there were this many mistakes, why didn’t I approach it more meticulously in the first place? I have multiple answers for that.
- I code in my spare time on this, so I’m more lax regarding testing
- As a result, I’m usually more tired when doing so, and make mistakes easier
- Shut up, you’re not my real dad
So basically, do as I say, not as I do.
With that in mind, let’s see how it performs. With my test data, it found two paths – here you can see the jump points (in green):

The algorithm was giving me these two alternatively – so clearly, the importance heuristic is not perfect, but that’s not a bug, but an unfinished task. And how fast is this? After all, that was the main driving point here.

So, with a just stable version, in this particular use case, I was able to get a 7x speed increase. I would say this is pretty convincing.
Old and wizened now, I took a step back, and just began planning the next steps, instead of diving headfirst into the code. My plans are the following:
- Obviously, making the heuristic better
- Separating the pathfinding for air and ground. Brood War maps have the concept of regions, and chokepoints between them. BWEM could be a serious help here. If the origin, and destination are in the same region, I can make the search even faster. If they are in different regions, then I can safely assume that the unit will travel throught the chokepoints, and so, plan according to that.
- Even if JPS is very fast, I can always benefit from making it faster – usually there are multiple units that want to find a path.
- And well, maybe putting pathfinding on the back burner for now – if this version is good enough, maybe I can use it for devious zergling runbys.
There is also a great video on improving JPS, by no one else than the inventor of the algorithm itself. Watch it to gain +1 smarts points instantly.
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