My guests this week were Freakling and Ankmairdor. And as usual, we talked about maps a lot, delved quite deep into pathfinding. Also, a lot of SCHNAIL news! Freakling and Ankmairdor are amazingly technically talented people – I’m hoping to …
Tag Archives: ankmairdor
Undermind Episode 31!
My guests this week were Martin Rooijackers (LetaBot) , Ankmairdor, and Dennis Waldherr (Bytekeeper). We talked about conferences, AI accessibility for gamers, the First European Brood War AI Meetup 2019 (International, intergalactic!), AIIDE participants, and sneaky bribery.

Happy listening!
…Undermind Episode 28!
Undermind Episode 27!
An announcement first: For the near future, I’ll switch recording the Undermind every 2 weeks – I feel that is a better schedule for this scene at the moment. I will reconsider my stance on this when the summer ends. …
Undermind Episode 23!
My guests this week were Hannes Bredberg, Ankmairdor, and Jean Chassoul (sloth). We had a great discussion about BW and BWAPI inner workings, and technical misconceptions.

Happy listening! Links mentioned:
IceCC source, and another link
Undermind Episode 22!
My guests this week were Hao Pan, Nathan Roth (Antiga), Ankmairdor, and Bryan Weber. We have talked about recent bot developments, some complex algorithms, Brood War code investigation – and exploits previously unknown.

Linkes mentioned: