The SCHNAIL client was running locally so far – when you launch the client, it always downloads the latest versions of the AIs you can play against. This doesn’t take long, but poses multiple problems. During the beta, multiple …
The SCHNAIL client was running locally so far – when you launch the client, it always downloads the latest versions of the AIs you can play against. This doesn’t take long, but poses multiple problems. During the beta, multiple …
This episode is a very special one – few people know that kovarex actually one of the founders of the BWAPI project – and he agreed to have a talk about it, and of course, Factorio. This is a very …
Previously, Artosis has made a great stream playing against some of the best Brood War bots using the SCHNAIL Client. If you haven’t watched that yet, here is the link:
The interview contains spoilers (duh). Originally I wanted to batch …
The current problem I’m working on with SCHNAIL is one of the most frequently asked question regarding the bots on the platform: How strong are these bots? We have pondered this over multiple episodes of the Undermind. The main …
My guests were McRave, and Dave Churchill. We talked about the SCHNAIL platform, seal clubbing, metagaming, and joked about Canada of course. Also, how to rate bots on a human vs. AI ladder – a favorite topic of mine. We …
My guests this week were Freakling and Ankmairdor. And as usual, we talked about maps a lot, delved quite deep into pathfinding. Also, a lot of SCHNAIL news! Freakling and Ankmairdor are amazingly technically talented people – I’m hoping to …
This was an exclusive episode with Jasper Geurtz (Yegers). We talked about his journey into the bot development scene, developing a bot in Java, writing a library, and community engagement. Also, some SCHNAIL discussion was taking place.
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My guests were Antiga and Freakling, and we continued with some awesome map design discussions. Freakling is a treasure trove of map knowledge, and we learned a lot about the topic.
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Map: …
In light of recent events, I feel I need to write a piece about this topic. So, my time is mostly spent on SCHNAIL (StarCraft Human’N’ AI League) nowadays, and I get to deal with a lot of problems across …
First of all, here is the episode with me in it, where we talked about Brood War AI. Go watch it, if you haven’t yet.
So this was a milestone moment for me, and the whole Brood War AI scene. …