So, I was working as much as I can on the SCHNAIL (StarCraft Human ‘N’ AI League – if you’re new to that, click a here). There were some interesting challenges. Currently we have internal releases, and I think …
Tag Archives: brood war
Short addition: Transport Behavior (Inspired by KSL)
So I was watching the KSL finals, and the casters brought up a great point: What is the facing of the unit unloaded from a transport? They were talking about Reavers specifically, and what do you know, there is actually …
StarCraft Human ‘N’ AI Stream Highlights, and some analysis
So recently ZZZero did an awesome stream versus bots, using the SCHNAIL client. Give him a follow! think it went very well, showcasing the client, and the abilities of the AIs as well. This is just a short opinion piece.…
StarCraft Bladder problems: No more holding back the streams
(Sorry, couldn’t come up with a sillier title)
So, I’ve been kind of silent on SCHNAIL recently (Starcraft Human ‘N’ AI League). This had a multitude of reasons, not all of them public, and precisely zero of them important. The …
Brood War API – The Comprehensive Guide: Terran units continued, and some Zerg ones
Index for the Comprehensive Guide posts
Whoo, long time between updates, but I wasn’t idle. I corrected, and re-corrected a lot in previous articles. I also started writing in parallel some other chapters, but they are, well, less than …
Brood War API – The Comprehensive Guide (of time and space)
Index for the Comprehensive Guide posts
As I mentioned before, I plan to write a complete goddamn book about BWAPI. I plan to publish the drafts of the chapters from that book. The blog will not contain everything from the …
SCHNAIL teaser video
Just a quick video to get you a taste what is coming. The Starcraft Human ‘N’ AI League client is alive, and… well, crawling, I guess.
Starcraft Bladder problems (or rather, news) : At a SCHNAIL’s pace
An important milestone has been reached with this project. It has a presentable name: StarCraft Human ‘N’ AI League, or SCHNAIL. I’d like to explain the goals, and execution of this ladder a little bit more.
First of all, we …
SSCAIT cast 122
As I do every 2 weeks, I cast some SSCAIT games for the SSCAIT channel. Enjoy!
Undermind Episode 22!
My guests this week were Hao Pan, Nathan Roth (Antiga), Ankmairdor, and Bryan Weber. We have talked about recent bot developments, some complex algorithms, Brood War code investigation – and exploits previously unknown.

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