My guests this week were WillBot, and Nitekat. We talked about author backgrounds, AI in other games (Nitekat’s Diablo 1 API, for example), and of course, SCHNAIL news. Some machine learning musings were also present, and we praised Artosis’ analytical …
Tag Archives: broodwar
The Undermind Episode 43!
Exclusive episode with Dan Gant, the author of PurpleWave (and the PurpleBot family), CherriPi developer, husband and meme war veteran. We talked about SCHNAIL goings-on, the PLUSHIE!!!444, and on a more serious note, mental health and isolation with all that …
The Undermind Episode 42!
My guests were Hao Pan (author of Halo), and Dan Gant (author of PurpleWave/other PurpleBots). We talked about how to climb a bot ladder, a lot about SCHNAIL, and of course, the future of SSCAIT. Also, a SCHNAIL PLUSHIE that …
Interview with Artosis about playing versus Brood War AI
Previously, Artosis has made a great stream playing against some of the best Brood War bots using the SCHNAIL Client. If you haven’t watched that yet, here is the link:
The interview contains spoilers (duh). Originally I wanted to batch …
SCHNAIL Ranked Play: How to evaluate AI strength

The current problem I’m working on with SCHNAIL is one of the most frequently asked question regarding the bots on the platform: How strong are these bots? We have pondered this over multiple episodes of the Undermind. The main …
The Undermind Episode 41!
My guests were McRave, and Dave Churchill. We talked about the SCHNAIL platform, seal clubbing, metagaming, and joked about Canada of course. Also, how to rate bots on a human vs. AI ladder – a favorite topic of mine. We …
The Undermind Episode 40!
My guests this week were Freakling and Ankmairdor. And as usual, we talked about maps a lot, delved quite deep into pathfinding. Also, a lot of SCHNAIL news! Freakling and Ankmairdor are amazingly technically talented people – I’m hoping to …
SCHNAIL dev diary: AI testing, and custom hotkeys
I decided to title these articles a bit differently. So far I’ve intervowen development content, and actual news/updates about SCHNAIL – the time has come to differentiate these kind of contents.
There has been two major features that I’ve been …
The Undermind Episode 39!
This was an exclusive episode with Jasper Geurtz (Yegers). We talked about his journey into the bot development scene, developing a bot in Java, writing a library, and community engagement. Also, some SCHNAIL discussion was taking place.

Links mentioned:
The Undermind Episode 38!
My guests were Antiga and Freakling, and we continued with some awesome map design discussions. Freakling is a treasure trove of map knowledge, and we learned a lot about the topic.

Links mentioned:
Map: …