The SCHNAIL client was running locally so far – when you launch the client, it always downloads the latest versions of the AIs you can play against. This doesn’t take long, but poses multiple problems. During the beta, multiple …
The SCHNAIL client was running locally so far – when you launch the client, it always downloads the latest versions of the AIs you can play against. This doesn’t take long, but poses multiple problems. During the beta, multiple …
This episode is a very special one – few people know that kovarex actually one of the founders of the BWAPI project – and he agreed to have a talk about it, and of course, Factorio. This is a very …
One of the most frequently asked question I get about bots on SCHNAIL, or just in general is “how strong are these bots?”. I believe you can’t really answer that with confidence – bot vs. bot rankings are relative to …
So, I was working as much as I can on the SCHNAIL (StarCraft Human ‘N’ AI League – if you’re new to that, click a here). There were some interesting challenges. Currently we have internal releases, and I think …