My guests this week were Marian Devecka, and Micro. We talked about Zerg things kekeke. Also, some news about the Human vs. Bot league, some technical things, what we would like to see in it. If you can invent …
Tag Archives: sscai
Undermind Episode 18!
My guests this week were Antiga, and Dave Churchill. We talked about the woes of academia, evil companies, and the Artifical Violence Really Insane League (AVRIL). (Maybe the latter was a mistake)

Happy listening! The article Dave mentioned.
! If …
Creating a Starcraft AI – Part 23: Of course I still bug you
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So, in the last part, I yet again managed to implement a slow method. Now, unless you are an actual sloth, you probably don’t enjoy playing Starcraft under 1 …
An index for the Starcraft AI posts
This post is a collection for all the posts I’ve written about Starcraft AI so far. I intend to keep this updated, as new parts come out.
A curious AI problem: Build orders in Starcraft: Brood War (Part 0, basically)…
Undermind Episode 17!
My guests this week were Hao Pan, Adam Heinermann, and Hannes Bredberg. We were talking about BWAPI 5 (Yes, it’s coming!), the state of Brood War in general, what makes an interesting game. Also, misconceptions about BW AI in general. …
Creating a Starcraft AI – Part 22: Caveat Implementor
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In the latter part of the last episode, I outlined two problems I want to solve next. The first is to weigh in the direction of my target …
Undermind Episode 16!
My guests this week were Antiga, Micro, and Hannes Bredberg. We discussed BWAPI 4.4, AITT, coding and algorithms, multiple languages. Also gone on a tangent for different games/AIs, and generally goofed around a lot. Also, news about BWAPI 5.
Warning: …
Creating a Starcraft AI – Part 21: Spiky stars and bad heuristics
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In the last part, I managed to work out some bugs in my in-area jump point pathfinding. Again, let’s climb up a level of my rabbit hole. The end …
Undermind Episode 15!
My guests this week were Bytekeeper, Impie, and Marian Devecka. We discussed terrain analyzers, BWAPI 4.4, BASIL stats/Improvements, and the state of official support. Happy listening!

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