So I was watching the KSL finals, and the casters brought up a great point: What is the facing of the unit unloaded from a transport? They were talking about Reavers specifically, and what do you know, there is actually …
Tag Archives: creating a starcraft ai
Brood War API – The Comprehensive Guide: Terran units continued, and some Zerg ones
Index for the Comprehensive Guide posts
Whoo, long time between updates, but I wasn’t idle. I corrected, and re-corrected a lot in previous articles. I also started writing in parallel some other chapters, but they are, well, less than …
Brood War API – The Comprehensive Guide: Movement modifiers, and Terran units
Index for the Comprehensive Guide posts
First, an addition to movement. This will be needed to understand some of the explanations below. (The actual finished book will be better structured, but I’m writing this articles in chronological order …
Brood War API – The Comprehensive Guide: Creating buildings, and everything about the creep
So, this part is very much in the middle of the everything. It is a part of a book, and I work on different chapters all the time, so the order these articles are published in is not representative of …
Brood War API – The Comprehensive Guide – Unit movement, and worker behavior
(Whew, this post contains a lot of code. Well, I did say comprehensive!). Special thanks for Ankmairdor for the tremendous amount of help he provided with this part! I quoted him a few times (almost) verbatim, and he deserves a …

Brood War API – The Comprehensive Guide – Distances, high ground, and unit behavior
Index for the Comprehensive Guide posts
First, I’d like to make a small note. My sections about the inner workings of StarCraft are meant to be comprehensive, but I will inevitably leave things out. There are aspects of the game, …
Brood War API – The Comprehensive Guide (of time and space)
Index for the Comprehensive Guide posts
As I mentioned before, I plan to write a complete goddamn book about BWAPI. I plan to publish the drafts of the chapters from that book. The blog will not contain everything from the …
Creating a Starcraft AI – Part 32: Test with the best
(This is an ongoing series, and I reference previous episodes. If you’re new, I suggest you start at the first post.)
First part of this series | Previous | Index
Recently I’ve been occupied with the SCHNAIL project (Starcraft Human …
Creating a Starcraft AI – Part 31: Hurter faster
(This is an ongoing series, and I reference previous episodes. If you’re new, I suggest you start at the first post)
First part of this series | Previous | Index
I did a little testing, and the shield regeneration basically …
Creating a Starcraft AI – Part 30: Figuring outing the hurting
(This is an ongoing series. This part is enjoyable without previous knowledge, but if you’re new, I suggest you start from the beginning – although this part is somewhat digestible without previous knowledge)